Thursday, May 20, 2010

Is there any plants that I can grow in my flower bed or in a pot near my front door that repel mosquitoes?

I have heard that marigolds repel some types of insects including mosquitos.

Sure enough, here is a site that list 5 plants including Marigolds

Is there any plants that I can grow in my flower bed or in a pot near my front door that repel mosquitoes?
Mosquito plant and it's a geranium known as Citronella Plant.
Reply:There is a plant called the mosquito plant. I don't think it gets flowers. It dose have a certain smell not bad just different. Not sure if it really works.
Reply:Yes ...mosquitos don't like MINTS of any kind !!!

Lemon balm is also a member of the mint family %26amp; smells like lemons when the leaves are rubbed.

You can rub Lemon balm leaves over yourself %26amp; your clothing to repel mosquitos. Lemon balm contains volatile oils, including citral, citronella, eugenol, and other components as well as flavonoids, triterpenoids, rosmarinic acid, polyphenols, and tannin. Several new antiviral and antioxidative flavonoids were discovered in lemon balm in 2002.

Art Tucker, research professor at Delaware State University and co-author of the Big Book of Herbs, confirms that rose-scented geraniums (Pelargonium x asperum, sometimes sold as P. graveolens) contain both citronellol, which is similar to citronellal, and geraniol. But, he says, the widely promoted 'Citrosa' geranium, which is the so-called "Mosquito Plant," appears to contain only small amounts of citronellal and is not likely to be any more effective as a mosquito repellent than other rose geraniums. He states that a better choice for a homegrown mosquito repellent may be lemon balm (Melissa officinalis). Tucker says lemon balm is easy to grow from seeds and contains citronellal, geraniol and geranial.

Rosemary %26amp; Basil are also repellent to mosquitoes.

Good luck! Hope this helps.
Reply:There is a mosquito plant that seems to work pretty well. I have purchased them in the past.
Reply:The team at Colorado State University did a study on the 'mosquito' plant and others and found non to work. RScott

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